Ideal label files for Outshinery Studio

To create photorealistic renders that truly showcase your product, we need high-quality label files—just like the ones you’d send to your printer. The goal is simple: precise, detailed files help us craft a flawless “digital twin” of your product.

Why quality matters

Would you print a label with blurry or incomplete files? Probably not. The same applies to our 3D visuals. The better the label file, the better your product will look. Every detail matters to create an accurate “digital twin.”

Providing the correct file types ensures Outshinery can perfectly replicate your product and meet artwork guidelines—just like handing over a final blueprint for guaranteed results!

What we need (ideal files):

Packaged AI file with fonts and linked images

A packaged AI file is essential for ensuring that all design elements are intact and ready for use. This means:

  • Including all fonts: Ensures text displays exactly as intended, with no substitutions.
  • Linked images and graphics: Any supporting files (like logos, textures, or photos) are embedded to avoid missing elements.
Two wine labels side by side—one with a crisp, clear label using the correct file format, the other with a blurry, low-quality label due to improper formatting.

You wouldn’t print labels with pixelated or incomplete files, right?

  • Organized in a ZIP: By zipping the packaged file, you keep everything neatly together, ensuring a smooth transfer.
screenshot of an Apple finder desktop showing what should be included in a ZIP file for Outshinery

A ZIP file is a compressed folder that keeps files organized, lightweight, and easy to share.

Packaging an AI file is like delivering the complete toolkit needed to accurately reproduce your design—nothing left behind!


High-quality layered PDF

A layered vector PDF is a great option for sharing your label designs. Here’s why:

  • High resolution: Keeps your design sharp and clear, critical for photorealistic renders.
  • Editable layers: Allows individual design elements (like text, logos, or graphics) to be adjusted or enhanced during rendering.
  • Print-ready quality: This is the polished, final version prepared specifically to meet your printer's requirements.

Providing these types of files ensures the accuracy of your digital twin and allows Outshinery to create renders that perfectly reflect your product.

examples of perfectly layered PDF file that allows Outshinery to create photorealistic renders

Just like a printer, Outshinery’s digital artists use the designer’s files to get every detail right—gloss varnish, embossing, dielines, dimensions, and more. This essential info must be clearly provided, something a simple JPG or PNG can't offer.

What won’t work (avoid these files):

Jpg logo

JPG, PNG or flattened PDF

JPGs and PNGs may look fine on screen, but they lack the quality and flexibility needed for creating photorealistic renders. Here’s why:

  • Limited detail: These formats are raster-based, meaning they’re made of pixels. If we need to scale, edit, or enhance the design, the image quality can degrade, leading to blurry or pixelated results.
  • No layers: JPGs and PNGs are flat files, so we can’t separate design elements like text, logos, or backgrounds. This makes adjustments impossible without recreating the design from scratch.
  • Low resolution: Many JPGs and PNGs are exported at a lower resolution, which isn’t sufficient for creating the high-quality, sharp visuals Outshinery delivers.

Outshinery requires vector-based files (like AI or layered PDFs) because they maintain perfect detail at any size and allow precise adjustments. Simply put, you wouldn’t send a low-res file to print, and the same applies here—your product deserves to look its absolute best!

example of a wine label where the linked image is missing, resulting in a pixelated and unusable result

If an AI file is missing linked images because the full packaged folder wasn’t provided, the images will appear pixelated and low resolution.


Password-protected files

Password-protected files create unnecessary roadblocks in our process and can delay your project. Here’s why:

  • Accessibility issues: If we can’t open the file, we can’t review or use your design elements, which halts progress on your render.
  • Potential miscommunication: If the password isn’t shared correctly or is forgotten, it requires additional back-and-forth, slowing down timelines.
  • No adjustments possible: Even if we access the file, password protection often restricts the ability to edit or separate design elements, which are essential for creating photorealistic visuals.
screenshot of a PDF that is password protected and not usable by Outshinery

A locked PDF prevents Outshinery from opening the file in the right software, making it impossible to access layers and print finishes.

PDF logo

Flattened, low-quality PDFs

Flattened PDFs lack the layered structure and resolution needed to produce photorealistic renders. Here’s why they don’t work well:

  • No editable layers: When a PDF is flattened, all the design elements—text, logos, graphics—are merged into one single layer. This makes it impossible to isolate or adjust specific details, which are crucial for achieving a realistic digital twin.
  • Lower image quality: Flattening often reduces the file’s resolution or clarity. The result is a less sharp, less detailed image that can’t meet Outshinery’s high standards for accuracy and photorealism.
  • Limited flexibility: Without layers, even simple adjustments—like tweaking text placement or refining color accuracy—become time-consuming or unfeasible.
PDF printer-proof of a wine label meant for approval and not for actual printing production

Low-quality printer’s proofs are for reviewing production details, like barcodes and label volume. Designed for easy sharing and approval, these files are lightweight and lack the definition Outshinery needs.

For the best results, Outshinery needs layered vector PDFs that maintain separate elements, high resolution, and full flexibility. This ensures every visual we create for your product is as detailed, crisp, and accurate as possible.

Easy tips for everyone (even non-designers)

When you meet the right design file guide requirements, Outshinery can bring your product to life with breathtaking, photorealistic visuals. Let’s make your digital twin perfect!

What did you send to the printer?

Outshinery needs the exact same files you’d send to your printer. If it’s good enough to print, it’s good enough for us to create photorealistic renders.

Ask your designer or printer.

Need help finding the right files? Just ask your designer or printer for:

  • A packaged AI file (with fonts and links).
  • A layered PDF (high-quality, ready-to-print proof).

Think like a brand owner

Would you approve the file for printing with blurry images or incomplete details? If not, it’s not ready for rendering. Every detail matters to create the perfect "digital twin" of your product.

Pro tip: If you’re unsure about the file quality, ask yourself: "Would I showcase this on a store shelf or e-commerce page?" If the answer is no, it’s time to check in with your designer!

Polished packaging: beyond the front label

Don’t forget the back label

Ensure your back label, capsules, neckers, and other packaging elements meet the same high standards as your front label—maintaining consistency in quality, color accuracy, and print precision.

  • No placeholder elements: Make sure barcodes, QR codes, and text are finalized (no FPO or "Lorem ipsum").
  • Accurate content: Ensure romance copy, legal text, and imagery are print-ready.
back wine label file with Lorem Ipsum palcholder romance copy as well as FPO barcodeback label of a white wine that doesn't have yet its correct UPC barcode on it

Designers often use FPO (For Placement Only) elements, like placeholder barcodes, marked in bright magenta. If submitted to Outshinery, we’ll remove the "FPO mention" to avoid distractions, but the barcode will remain incorrect.


Silkscreened labels? No problem.

Outshinery works seamlessly with ACL (Applied Ceramic Labelling). Just like the other label types covered in this guide, we require high-quality vector production files (PDF, AI).

artwork file example for ACL silkscreened wine bottles

The correct label files clearly define the inks used—such as precious metals or glow-in-the-dark—along with the precise design placement on the bottle.


Don’t skip on corks and capsules

High-quality files aren’t just for label specs. Don’t overlook neckers, hood foils, or capsule designs. These should meet the same standards for a cohesive and polished result.

PDF production file of a tin capsule for Australian winePDF production showing exactly how the winery's logo is applied onto the cork

Capsules, screwcaps, and even corks now feature custom finishes and branding. Providing design files to Outshinery ensures every detail is captured in high-quality renders.


📂 File submission & formats

What file format does Outshinery need for label files?

We require high-resolution, print-ready AI (Adobe Illustrator), EPS, or PDF files with all layers intact. A simple JPG or PNG won’t provide the necessary details for an accurate render.

Why can’t I send a JPG or PNG?

JPG and PNG files flatten all layers, making it impossible to capture finishes like embossing, varnishing, or foil details. We need vector-based label file specs to ensure the highest quality.

Do I need to include fonts and linked images?

Yes! If your AI or EPS file contains linked images, you must provide the packaged folder with all linked assets and fonts to avoid missing elements or pixelation.

What happens if I send a locked PDF?

A locked PDF prevents us from accessing layers, dielines, and print finishes. Be sure to send an editable, unlocked version for the best results.

🎨 Design elements & print finishes

What details should my label file include?

Your file should include all finalized text, logos, barcodes, dielines, embossing, varnish, and foil indications—exactly as it would be sent to your printer.

How do I indicate special finishes like embossing or varnish?

Most designers highlight these elements using specific spot colors (e.g., cyan or magenta). Make sure they are clearly labeled in your file so we can replicate them accurately.

Do I need to submit design files for screwcaps, capsules, or corks?

Yes! Custom branding, embossing, and foil finishes often extend beyond the label. Submit these files just like label files—vector-based AI, EPS, or PDF formats with all details included—to ensure they are accurately reflected in your render.

What if my file contains FPO (For Placement Only) elements?

Placeholder (FPO) elements, like temporary barcodes, should be removed before submission. If sent, we will remove the "FPO" label, but the barcode itself will remain a placeholder.

🛠 Common pitfalls & troubleshooting

What if my label is still in the design stage?

Outshinery works with final, print-ready label files. If your label is still being designed, wait until it’s completed before submitting it for rendering.

Can I use a low-quality printer’s proof?

No. Printer’s proofs are meant for production approvals, not high-resolution renders. They are low in quality and lack definition, making them unsuitable for creating accurate product imagery.

Why is my linked image pixelated?

If an AI file is missing its linked images, those elements will appear pixelated. Always provide the full packaged folder with all linked assets to avoid this issue.

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