Delight customers with boutique-style service

Delight customers with boutique-style service

Discover the power of personalized communication, cutting-edge technology, and tried-and-true techniques to delight your customers.

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  • Becca Watts, Outshinery
  • Drew Hendricks, Barrels Ahead & Legends Behind the Craft
  • Ben Salisbury, Salisbury Creative

This event delves into strategies for wineries to provide exceptional boutique-style customer service, delighting their customers along the journey. It emphasizes the importance of personalized communication, meticulous attention to detail, and leveraging technology to elevate the overall customer experience.

The panelists highly recommend implementing tools such as video asks, active campaigns, and text expanders to achieve this. Additionally, the article suggests embracing old-school techniques like handwritten notes and cultivating partnerships with local businesses, which can significantly contribute to success.

Yana and Becca also encourage wineries to adopt an experimental mindset, actively seek feedback, and remain receptive to continuous improvement in their customer service practices.

Key points:
  • Exceptional boutique-style service: Strategies for wow-worthy winery customer experience.
  • Personalized communication: Creating lasting connections with customers through personalization.
  • Meticulous attention to detail: Elevating customer experience through careful focus.
  • Leveraging technology: Enhancing customer experience with video, campaigns, and more.
  • Power of handwritten notes: Genuine touchpoints with customers using old-school techniques.
  • Local business partnerships: Building winery success through unique experiences and mutual support.
  • Embracing an experimental mindset: Continuous improvement in winery customer service through feedback and openness.

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