Revolutionize wine branding: the power of packaging design

Revolutionize wine branding: the power of packaging design

Emerging trends, sustainability, collaboration, and the art of visual storytelling for wineries and alcohol brands

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  • Sylvia Aranda - Ode Design Studio
  • Laurie Millotte - Outshinery
  • Miguel de Almeida - Miguel de Almeida Design
  • Lauren Wallack - Berlandieri Design

The panel discussion explores the emerging trends and advancements in packaging design for wineries and other alcohol brands. The panelists discuss the importance of environmental sustainability, collaboration between brands, and the use of augmented reality and digital printing. 

They also share their favorite packaging designs, highlighting the importance of storytelling and tactile experiences. The panel provides advice on selecting design studios, considering factors such as industry experience, geographic location, and alignment of values. Finally, they discuss the role of design in brand differentiation and offer tips for fostering a strong client-designer relationship.

Key points:
  • Emerging packaging trends: Latest trends and innovations in winery and alcohol brand packaging design.
  • Environmental sustainability: Importance of eco-friendly packaging and sustainable design practices.
  • Collaboration and storytelling: Value of brand collaboration and storytelling in packaging design.
  • Augmented reality and digital printing: Use of augmented reality and digital printing for interactive packaging.
  • Favorite designs: Panelists' top packaging designs, highlighting tactile experiences and visual storytelling.
  • Selecting design studios: Expert advice for selecting design studios based on experience, location, and shared values.
  • Design for brand differentiation: Role of packaging design in setting brands apart.

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